Friday, February 09, 2007

So What

I haven't posted but that doesn't mean I don't have anything to say. Problem is I usually have too much to say.
So it's catch up time:
Recently attended my annual dental conference which was great fun.
Will be having shoulder surgery soon which shouldn't be fun.
Men are basically useless creatures.
Exception to the above: Bono
Second exception to the above: Tom Brady (He's younger than Mel and has a better ass!)
Son's are God's gifts for having survived your teen-age years with you mother.
Mothers are truly your best friend.
Exception to above: I've had a best friend for almost 30 years and not like those fly by nights they have in Hollywood, someone who sticks and is willing to love me enough to take my kids!
Second exception to the above: Some of my best friends are people I've 'known' for many years now, some I haven't even met, yet they are 'seriously' great friends and great friendships. (Some of them even read this...God help them)

O, check this out


Nanci said...

You bet we read it!

Hugs to you and your shoulder - ouch!

Doubtful Muse said...

Of course we read it. And I, for one, think your wounded shoulder qualifies you for loan of some of Foofi's minions. Or her trailer (for a weekend getaway). *g*


Wen said...

Foofi's trailer sounds so totally lovely now. I'll probably get more rest there.

Taminator said...


Hope your shoulder surgery goes very, very well. I'll be thinking of you!
